The Best Trick for Cleaning Stained Plastic Food Containers

No matter if it’s a tomato sauce splatter or a curry residue, we’ve got a stain-busting solution for all your plastic container woes. Our step-by-step guide will walk you through each miraculous technique, so you can say farewell to those pesky stains and restore your containers to their pristine glory. The heroes you need to fight off these stains are likely hiding in your kitchen cabinets.

Make sure you have the following items on hand:

  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • Dish soap
  • 5 large ice cubes
  • Water

Sprinkle sugar into the plastic container sporting that stubborn red stain and add a generous amount of dish soap. Toss in the ice cubes, and fill the container with water, ensuring the ice cubes are mostly submerged. Gently shake the container to let all the ingredients mingle. Then, leave it be until the ice cubes have completely melted. Empty the container and wash it as you normally would. You’ll likely find that the dirty stain has vanished completely!

Did this not work? Then you can try using lemon, baking soda and vinegar – these everyday ingredients also have incredible stain-removing powers that can bring your plastic containers back to life.