Do you have age spots on your skin? You can get rid of them in no time with this simple trick!

Get rid of age spots

Age spots are not dangerous, but people often don’t like them. That’s why most people want to get rid of their age spots as quickly as possible. This remedies from the doctor are often really expensive and sometimes quite painful. You may think it’s impossible, but with this one simple household ingredient age spots can be naturally removed in the blink of an eye!

A simple solution

It may sound strange, but did you know that you could remove age spots with a simple household ingredient? You probably already have the solution at home! All you need is apple cider vinegar and, believe it or not, an onion! Onion juice has been proven to help reduce scars. The apple cider vinegar helps remove dead skin cells. With these wonder ingredients together, you can get rid of your age spots super fast! Chop the onion into a pulp. Put the pulp in a cotton cloth or sieve and push the juice out. Mix the juice of the onion with the apple cider vinegar and apply it to the age spots on your skin. Repeat this daily for a couple of weeks and you will see that the age spots on your skin will decrease!

Source: Plusrubriek | Image: YouTube