15 uses for tea bags that you would never have expected!

12. Clean Your Carpet

Use loose-leaf tea to gently deodorise your carpet. If you don’t have any loose, you can cut open a tea bag and sprinkle its context on your carpet. Leave the leaves for 20 or 30 minutes and then vacuum up.

13. Deodorizing Hand Scrub

After handling foods like garlic, onions, and fish, use pre-brewed tea bags to scrub your hands and remove those lingering scents. For more tips to save time and effort around the kitchen.

14. Soothe Irritated Skin

Cool, moist tea bags are an excellent way to naturally soothe skin irritations. Place them over sore, tired eyes to ease discomfort. Massage over sunburn to cool skin and reduce inflammation. Place against bruises to ease discomfort and help speed healing. Gently rub over stings and bites to draw out the toxins and lessen pain and swelling.

15. Homemade Glass Cleaner

Re-brew used tea bags and spray the weak tea onto windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces to loosen up dirt, grime, fingerprints, and other gunk. Be sure to wipe away with a clean, lint-free cloth to minimize streaks and dust particles.

Also watch the video below!

Source: Pinterest | libelle | Image: Videostill | YouTube