Stick a stem from a rose in a potato. What happens is unbelievable!

With this amazing trick you can transform your backyard into the rose garden of your dreams!

Propagate your own roses only seems complicated, but the truth is that you really don’t need to be an expert gardener to make it happen. All you’ll need is to know this simple gardening trick! With a simple bouquet from a grocery store and a few old potatoes you can transform your backyard into the rose garden of your dreams!


No green thumbs? No problem, because you don’t even need that for this trick. The only thing you need is a rose, a potato, a plastic bottle, potting soil and a pot. You choose a rose in the color that you like best, remove the leaves from the stalk and cut the head of the rose diagonally, about 1,5 inches from the flower. Is the flower still beautiful? Then put it in a vase in the meantime.

Read the instructions on the next page and view an extra instructional video!