You probably eat these 9 cancer causing foods every day!

8. Vegetable fat or oil

Vegetable fat is a term that is often used to refer to solid fats that are made from vegetable oils through a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation involves adding hydrogen atoms to the chemical structure of the oil, which causes it to become solid at room temperature. Vegetable fats are commonly used in the production of margarine, shortening, and other baked goods, as well as in the food service industry for frying. Vegetable oil cannot be obtained naturally but is removed by a chemical process. They are often used in many foods that you have in your kitchen. This is to preserve the lifetime and color of the products.  Unfortunately, these oils cause many victims and are the cause of cancer, birth defects and heart disease. Therefore, NEVER cook with vegetable oils but use healthy oils such as olive oil, soy and canola instead.