This is what will happen when you bury your used tea bags in you garden! It’s amazing!


What you don’t want in every garden is weed. Used tea bags can be the solution because they make it very difficult for all weeds. Tea bags in the ground makes it a lot harder for the weeds to grow in the garden next to your healthy flowers and plants.


Used tea bags that are processed close to the roots of flowers and plants ensure that much better water is retained. This keeps your flowers and plants much healthier.


What a pest is in every garden is weed. Used tea bags can be the solution because they make it very difficult for all weeds. Tea bags in the ground makes it a lot harder for the weeds to grow in the garden next to your healthy flowers and plants.


Do you suffer from neighborhood cats in your garden? Tea bags or some coffee grounds make sure you keep cats out of your garden. If cats smell the smell of used tea bags or coffee grounds, they will stay away. Sprinkle some coffee grounds or tea in your garden and prevent cats in your garden. This also works with your plants at home!

Fertile soil

Worms are excellent to have in your garden. Worms are fond of used tea leaves. When these tea leaves are digested and come back into the ground, they provide even more nutrients, resulting in a healthy garden.

Compost heap

Process your used tea bags in the compost heap. The acids in the tea bags speed up the decomposition process of the compost. This allows you to use the compost for your garden much earlier.

Source: Natural Ways | Image: YouTube still | YouTube