You probably eat these 9 cancer causing foods every day!

3. Processed meat

If you’re a meat lover, it might be hard to give up tasty sandwiches and a piece of meat. But be careful with eating processed meat products! Processed meat refers to any meat product that has been modified through various methods of processing, including curing, smoking, or adding preservatives. This is a long list that includes sausage, bacon, hot dogs and most cold cuts for bread. Years of study are showing us that 1 out of 17 people died who ate 160 grams of processed meat. That’s 44 percent more cancer risk than people who ate 20 grams or less! Meat processing uses a huge amount of chemicals and salt to keep them looking fresh. A large number of preservatives are also used, including the same substances that you find in cigarette smoke! Do you want to reduce the risk of cancer? Then we advise you to put the processed meat products aside and only eat fresh meat products.